Tell us your story!
When I was a kid, my very Irish grandma Kelly told me that if I plucked a gray, seven would come to its funeral. Well, apparently I did not heed her advice as I've been hosting quite the memorial on my head for about twenty years now! Sure it has challenged me at times, thinking myself 'old' on bad days and 'bold' on good days. It all depends on the way I look at it; and that depends on how I am feeling on the inside. Funny how that works. I know one thing for certain: beauty radiates from the inside out!
How do YOU feel about getting older? Have any stories that you'd like to add to the collective wealth of wisdom? Join the narrative and shed some light about what aging means to you. Submit a picture, an anecdote or words of inspiration and band with the community of women who are embracing their age with grace, wisdom and amazing beauty! Sad, funny, inspiring, challenging, embarrassing, what have you....Just bring it!